Tuesday, April 19, 2016

RandomReflection: Early & Bold E3 Predictions

Early & Bold E3 Predictions

These are some random predictions from the top of my head for this year’s E3. Let's just get right into it.
- This “Neo” thing will be talked about on stage.
- Playstation VR will get a segment.
- Gameplay for The Last Guardian will be shown.
- No Man’s Sky will be given a release date for 2016.
- Sony Bend’s game will be shown off. It’s time.
- New expansion for Destiny will be shown here.
- The new COD gets a slot here at Sony’s conference. So weird… Ugh.
- New God of War. Kratos is the protagonist and the game will revolve around Norse gods this time around.
- Uncharted 4 DLC will NOT be shown off. Too soon. Neil Druckmann says that they don’t even know what it is yet.
- Horizon: Zero Dawn will get a big showing to hype it some more. Sony will show a lot of confidence in this game. I have confidence too.
- Sequel to The Order: 1886. (?)
- Indie game showreel.
- At least one New IP, probably Sony Bend’s game.
- They’ll talk about Shenmue III a bit.
- Some talk and gameplay about Final Fantasy. Whether it’s XV or VII remake has yet to be seen. Probably both.
- Fallout 4 DLC is pretty much a given, I believe. Interested to see what they do here, since they have all been different price points thus far. Do you release one big one now that mods are out? Or three separate ones once again?
- Mention of Fallout 4 console mods and the creation kit here as well.
- Doom will get some kind of add-on content that will be announced here.
- Dishonored 2 will get a showing as well.
- Elder Scrolls Online will get some kind of attention, however brief it may be.
- Elder Scrolls VI will NOT be announced. Sorry.
- Remember that Elder Scrolls card game they talked about last year? Yeah, that. Put that here.
- A new Wolfenstein game will be announced for 2017.
- Some smaller games will be announced possibly.
- Hololens shizz. Possibly a mention of Oculus too.
- Something Minecraft-related will be talked about. Just a hunch I have.
- Gears of War 4 will have gameplay shown.
- Show some new IPs for Christ’s sake. What’s next after a new Halo and Gears?
- ReCore, Keiji Infaune’s game. Gameplay will be shown. It’s a weird game for Xbox. Feels more like a Playstation kind of thing. Regardless, happy to see Xbox get some new IP.
- Scalebound. Yeah, that game. That will be shown off.
- EA has a presence there. The crowd barely claps.
- Indie showreel.
- Our Lord and Savior, God “Todd” Howard, comes out to talk about Fallout 4 console mods and DLC on Xbox One or whatever. “Sorry ya’ll! No Elder Scrolls this year!”
- Oh yeah, Forza. Forza has some time here.
- Rare’s new pirate game, “Sea of Thieves,” gets some time. It looks like a Multiplayer-only game. Meh, not my thing, personally.
- Assassin’s Creed will NOT be talked about. Maybe a CG teaser, but expect minimal attention for AC.
- “For Honor” will get extensive details at this E3. Reminds me of Deadliest Warrior a little bit.
- A sequel to Watch Dogs will be announced and dated for this year.
- More South Park please. Thank you.
- Far Cry stuff… Something Far Cry.
- That Just Dance thing… Whatever.
- Expansion/DLC for The Division.
- Nintendo will be there at E3 IN PERSON. They will have a live press conference.
- The Nintendo NX will be announced. It will be more powerful than the original PS4, but less powerful than this PS4 “Neo” thing.
- Pokemon Sun and Moon will only be reiterated here. New information will be minimal.
- You'll get info on your new Zelda.
- Metroid will be shown. The one you want - as a launch title for NX.
- More content for Mario Maker.
- Mario Maker, Smash, and Splatoon will be ported over to NX as well.
- More reiteration about Pokemon’s anniversary.
- Some kind of Pokemon console title will be announced, most likely something similar to Battle Revolution.
These are just random predictions off the top of my head. I'll probably do another version next month as well.
Also, please don't make your own list in the comments. Too much to sift through. Make your own blog if you want to make a list. Thanks. :smile:

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