Sunday, June 12, 2016

RandomReview: Bethesda's E3 2016 Press Conference

#E32016 Bethesda Press Conference Recap/Predictions Review

Let’s get right into it!
I got things a bit out of order in my notes, so bear with me. It’s mostly in order, though. Unlike EA, Bethesda didn’t announce any initiatives or programs. It was all about games.
Excuse me with names as well. Might have spelled some wrong, like “Corvo” in Dishonored.
Elder Scrolls: Legends, the Elder Scrolls strategy card game was talked about. It will be given a campaign, told from the perspective of Moth Priest Kellen. It looks like Hearthstone. It’s an Elder Scrolls Hearthstone. The playing field looks almost identical. Just what I take from it. It is a good way for Elder Scrolls fans to get into that genre, though.
Quake Champions! They led off with this game. I’m not as excited about Quake as I was for Doom or Wolfenstein, but it was only natural for this game to arrive after the two previous ones. Bethesda really have nailed FPS games as of late. Back to Quake, though. ID Software is making Quake for the PC. No word of a console version, interestingly enough. They said the game is fast-paced and made for all skill levels, and has an unlocked framerate. They drew a few surprised “Oohs” from the crowd with the framerate comment. They mentioned a diverse cast of warriors… makes me think that it might be Overwatch-like in some sense? Where you have heroes with different abilities? We’ll have to see more on that. At QuakeCon in August, Bethesda will present more on the game, so we’ll be sure to see more info then.
Our sweet Bethesda lord, Todd “Godd” Howard came on via a recorded video to talk about what the studio has been working on. Fallout 4 DLC came first, though. They announced three new DLCs.
The first DLC is titled “Contraptions Workshop” and is coming next week! It adds things like elevators, conveyor belts, and sorting machines to the workshop. Cool, I guess? Clever designs, but I don’t see the point. The amount of people who figure out how to make these work will probably be far and few between. We’ll have to see, though. Maybe it’s fun. Can’t judge it too early.
The second DLC is titled “Vault-Tec” it seems, and will allow players to build their own vault. Funnily enough, there’s a popular mod out right now on PC and Xbox One that allows players to do just that. Still, it’d be interesting to see it done from the company itself, with some context behind it even. Seems like the vault counts as a settlement as well. Players will be allowed to experiment on their Vault Dwellers too. Overall, it looks like Fallout Shelter in Fallout 4, which should be fun. Looks a lot more fleshed out than the mod. The DLC is slated for July.
Lastly, is Nuka World. This seems to be the story-driven DLC in this bunch. I’m starting to see a pattern in these Fallout 4 DLCs. One Workshop, one for building/slight bit of story, and one for plain story. The fact that this was only teased, with merely the front of an amusement park titled “Nuka World” shown off with a bunch of Wastelanders mingling, interests me greatly, and confirms to me that this is the story one - the one people will probably enjoy the most, like Far Harbor. Nuka World comes in August.
Interested to see if they do another three DLCs for September, October, and November. I can dream.
Todd Howard also talked about a big new update for Fallout Shelter. New locations, enemies, and quests will be added into the game, along with some new characters. The combat system has been overhauled as well. Finally, Fallout Shelter will be given a PC Release. Free, of course.
Then Todd Howard dropped a bombshell. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Remastered is happening. And it looks freaking beautiful. It’s absolutely gorgeous. There’s a more dynamic depth of field, plus plenty of shaders to help the game’s lighting more. It also has console mod support! I love Bethesda! MachoMan Dragons are coming your way! The game will be given the suffix of “Special Edition” instead of “Remastered” and will be released on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It's dated for October 28th, same day as Titanfall 2.
Another game I was happy to see come up was Prey 2. This looks even better. Wow. M.Yu wakes up on a space station in 2032 that is overrun by aliens. It seems like a survival-horror game, with the player fighting their way off the ship. Excited to see more on this. It was just a teaser, with a few bits of gameplay. Unless that was completely gameplay, which they didn’t specify. If that was all gameplay, then it’s superb visually.
They talked about content for Doom that’s on the way as well. New things for SnapMap are on the way, such as Hell textures, new constructive modules, props, and logic options. Some features from SinglePlayer are being added so people can create their own SinglePlayer experiences. Two new modes are on the way as well via an update, named Exodus and Sector. Exodus is a one-flag capture mode, while Sector is a capture and hold mode. All updates are free, by the way. They also announced the first DLC pack, titled “Unto The Evil” which brings three new maps (Offering, Cataclysm, and Ritual), one new weapon, and a new demon to play as, named the Harvester. I love Doom. Not really a Multiplayer person, though. I’d love some SinglePlayer missions made in SnapMap.
Elder Scrolls: Online got some time. Minor detail came first. If you’re Japan, you’ll finally be able to play it. Just for any people in Japan who happen to be reading. The first DLC for the MMO will be on the way, titled “Dark Brotherhood.” It is indeed based on the Oblivion quest. It looks dark and brooding, which is intriguing. I like dark things in games. They said the DLC was coming this week. I may have heard wrong, but if so, good on them. Have fun. I don’t play it, but it looks interesting. Also, they’re bringing something called “One Tamriel.” Don’t worry about leveling to play with your friends! You will now be auto-leveled appropriately depending on the area you’re in now in Elder Scrolls: Online. No level restrictions. That’s really cool, and the crowd seemed to love it. 
They talked VR a bit, which surprised me. VR support is coming for Doom, eventually, but the big announcement was that Fallout 4 would be released on HTC Vive in 2017. That is really big news. Fallout VR sounds awesome.
They spent a lot of time on Dishonored 2. I could care less to be honest, with you. I do like the steampunk setting, though. I also like the different powers, which remind of the Vigors in Bioshock a little bit. The story focuses on unraveling a conspiracy. You can play as a male or female, either Emily Caldwin or Corvo Atano. The weather in environments can change randomly, which can alter your stealth sequences. The game also encourages rooftop exploration. I love the steampunk setting, since I just love steampunk in general. A Collector’s Edition was also shown off. Dishonored 2 got significant time to end the show, which I’m not surprised about. It’s coming out November 11, so now would be a good time to draw attention to it. The crowd didn’t seem that interested though, although they seemed “Wow’d” by some of the stealth kills.
Reviewing My Predictions
Here’s how I’m grading my predictions. Incorrect is zero, half-correct is half a point, correct is a point. I can get a possible 12 points for this one. Here we go.
- DLC for Fallout 4 is a given. Fallout 4 has a hardocre audience that just loves the game. Loves the mods and DLC. Some DLC leaked a while back, so maybe this is where we see “Nuka World” shown off. Just not another Wasteland Workshop, please. If you do, make it so there's another workbench like Automatron. Maybe let us build manually operated vehicles like dirt bikes? I don't know. I'd rather have a "Weapons Workshop." Some more manually operated guns like Pump Shotguns would be cool.
I was right! DLC for Fallout. 3, in fact. Nuka World was also shown. Point for me. (1/12)
- DLC for Doom is possible as well. God, Doom is amazing. Bethesda is hitting on all cylinders when it comes to first person shooters right now.
Definitely possible, since it was confirmed here. (2/12)
- It’s possible Prey 2 will get shown off. You need to fill this conference with something.
It was indeed shown off, and that helped fill the conference. (3/12)
- That Elder Scrolls: Legends game is quite possible to be shown. (Totally not a Hearthstone ripoff.)
Yes, it was shown. Totally not a Hearthstone ripoff. (4/12)
- It’s been rumored that Skyrim will get ported over for current gen. Blasphemous statement here, maybe…. But I don’t like Elder Scrolls. I just don’t like fantasy settings. I didn’t like the Witcher either. Not my kind of game. Although, give it console mod support and you’ll have my interest. I did play Skyrim a bit, so I'd be willing to put some hours into it again.
It did get announced! Why did I get so excited for it when I said the above? I will play it and try to get into this time, I promise. Maybe mods are what I need. (5/12)
- An Obsidian Fallout will NOT be shown. I don’t know where that Fallout: New Orleans thing came from. I mean, you guys really want more Mirelurks? Those things are vicious. Maybe next year. I think they should go outside America with Obsidian’s game. Maybe Canada? A cold area would be interesting. Just give me settlements in danger and mod support, though.
Muahaha, no Obsidian for you! (6/12)
- An Elder Scrolls version of Fallout Shelter where Godd Howard says “It’s coming out tonight” would be awesome. Maybe you control a village instead of a Vault. I’d play it. Fallout Shelter was fun for a while. It’s an example of how you do mobile games right.
Lol, nope. Does Legends count? No, right? I don’t think so, either. (6/12)
- A new Elder Scrolls main game won’t be announced, though. I mean, come on guys. Too soon. 2018 probably.
Yep, I was right. Way too soon. I say too soon because it’s too close to Fallout 4’s release. Maybe 2018 announcement, released in 2019. (7/12)
- BattleCry? Is that a MOBA? I can’t tell what it is, but it was given a slot last year. I think it’s going to bomb. It doesn’t look good, and I don’t even know what it exactly is. Terrible name too, just like “Battleborn.”
Good, I’m glad it didn’t show up… Looks awful. (7/12)
- With Doom and Wolfenstein already out, it’s quite possible that Quake can be on the way as well. Wouldn’t be Machine or iD making it though.
Totally Quake, but I was half-right. ID Software is making this game. How do you spell “ID” in regards to the company? The above spelling with a lowercase I or with both letters capital? Please let me know. (7.5/12)
- The biggest part of Bethesda’s conference should be Dishonored 2, which comes out this year. It will be shown, absolutely.
Of course. I saw that from a mile away. (8.5/12)
- A sequel to Wolfenstein would be optimal to end off the show. Keep building these franchises. The last Wolfenstein was great. So well done. A new one would be even better.
I am severely disappointed a new Wolfenstein wasn’t shown. Come on, Bethesda. (8.5/12)
Hey, I did pretty good with predictions this time around! I actually like Bethesda, compared to EA. I love Bethesda, actually. A majority of their games really appeal to me.
Overall, I thought they had a really good conference. They focused on the games, which is what we want to see. However… fifteen minutes late to start the show felt like they were stalling because they didn’t have a lot to show off here. They did indeed have a lot, but I wanted more Wolfenstein. And more Todd Howard. Wtf Bethesda. Give me more of Todd. I’m stuck between two numbers for this conference, so I’ll go down the middle and give it a 7.5/10. I thought it was really good. Nothing huge, but absolutely a good conference.
On a side note, after recent events in Florida, Bethesda honored those victims by coloring their Twitch logo in pride colors. Bethesda hosts and developers also wore pride ribbon pins during the conference. Good gesture on Bethesda's part to acknowledge it.
So what did you think? Disappointed in Wolfenstein? Excited for the DLCs? Excited for Dishonored? Tell me below! I have to get ready for Xbox’s conference tomorrow, which I’ll do a recap for as well!

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